Neon Cobra Blog

The Unexpected Journey: Why I’m Blogging About Azure

Filthy Azure Hobbitses

Why start a blog? Why even write a post about why I’d want to start a blog?

Well it’s hard to pin point exactly. Maybe I got bored? Maybe I felt there was a void in industry knowledge I could help fill? Maybe I could make a difference to a small business trying to grow?

I’ll be honest, my list of ‘why nots’ was lengthy. What if my content falls flat? What if I’m shouting into the void? But then I remembered: What if I actually make a difference?

At the end of the day there are 2 people that I can say stood out and made me move forward.

Mid November of 2023 I reached out to a friend Matt Lee. If you haven’t had a chance to see him speak or any of the content he releases you’re missing out. Over the 2 years I’ve known him he’s exuded a level of confidence and industry presence that I admired. I asked him about building a Brand. I saw what it could do (We managed to raise over 100k USD for charity off of his beard; Who has that claim to fame?) and was curious on how he accomplished it. The one piece of advice is gave me “Just start doing it and figure it out after” (probably terribly paraphrased but the spirit is there). Within the Day I had chosen a name, registered a domain and had a shell of a site up.

The second is my wife Alex. She has always been supportive of anything I set my mind to, even if she doesn’t quite understand any of it (She isn’t deep into tech like I am so having the counter balance and ground to reality is appreciated). It wasn’t anything she particularly said, but it’s what she did. I had been sending her copy on my logo getting some feedback and she has a hand in everything you see. Then on Christmas day I opened up a package and within was a Neon Cobra Sign for my office. As weird as it sounds that made it real. A piece of tangible evidence that I had started something (And needed to follow through because there is a physical reminder glowing on my wall).

So with that, I did a sprint on the last few days of the year to get the foundation in place and announced a project in LinkedIn (Another form of “You better do this now”).

So where do we go from here?

This blog may start as a one-man mission, but I’m hoping it’ll transform into a community of shared growth. Because Azure? It’s a constantly evolving beast, and taming it is half the thrill.

Join me. Let’s navigate Azure’s nebulous skies together. Because, in the end, it’s not just about tech—it’s about the journey, the learning, and the people we inspire along the way.

By the Way, Check out Matt Lee: Home – CyberMattLee

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